Privacy policy

We describe the privacy policy in the following:

●      the information that we collect and process about you (that you provide directly to us or is provided to us by third parties such as our recruitment partners and counselors);

●      the purposes for which we collect and process information about you; and

In this Policy, the term “personal data” or “personal information” means personal data or data that relates to an identified or identifiable person.

We recommend that you read this Policy carefully in order to understand what Acceptix. and any affiliates and/or subsidiaries do with your personal data. Your use of our Website and Services and any dispute over privacy, is subject to this Policy and any of our applicable Terms and Conditions for use of our Services, including their applicable limitations on damages and the resolution of disputes. Our Terms and Conditions for our Services are incorporated by reference into this Policy. By visiting our Website, you are consenting to the practices described in this Policy.


What We Collect and How

How does Acceptix collect my personal data?

We collect personal data directly from you, about you from third parties such as our marketing affiliates and service providers used to verify your identity and prevent fraudulent activity, other Acceptix users and other Acceptix clients or customers for the purpose of providing the Acceptix Services to you or as part of a customer referral program, and through the use of cookies and metadata collected on our Website and the Services. At this time, use of our Services is only available to users who register for our Services.

We receive personal data about you from third parties, such as banking references, credit reporting agencies, affiliates, website hosts and online support service providers, other Acceptix users, events vendors, and other third parties.

We may combine this information with other information that we collect about you.

We, and our third party service providers, automatically collect the following information about your use of our Website and our online Services through cookies, web beacons, log files and other technologies (subject to your consent where required by applicable law): your domain name, your browser type and operating system, web pages you view, links you click, your IP address, the length of time you visit our Website or use our Services, your activities on our Website, and the referring URL or the webpage that led you to our Website.

What personal data does Acceptix collect?

The types of personal data we collect about you depends on your particular interaction with our Website and our Services. In limited circumstances such as facilitating your application process to certain schools of interest, we may also need to collect sensitive personal data (e.g., personal information revealing racial or ethic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, generic or biometric data, health information). In the event that it is necessary to collect any sensitive data about you, where required by data protection laws we will gather your explicit consent to do so. The personal data collected is only shared with Acceptix and our third-party service providers acting as data processors for the purpose of providing the Services you request and will not be shared or used by us for any other purposes.



When are We Collecting Your Information? And How We Use It:

Acceptix collects your personal data whenever you do any of the following and uses it as described:


Create an Account:

To access certain features on the Website, you are required to create an account and provide your email address and password or sign in with Facebook or Google. Your login information is used to create your account, and otherwise provide and administer the service you requested.

Explore What Programs You Are Eligible To Apply To:

You do not have to create an account to visit and browse certain features of our Website, such as to browse various schools and programs, read other content portions of the Website, or determine your eligibility for certain programs. If you choose to use our Website to discover programs you are eligible to apply for, we collect personal data such as your nationality, country of education, highest education, grading scheme, grade average, English/French exam score(s) and the disciplines or programs that you are interested in pursuing. Acceptix uses this information to create a list of programs and schools to which you are eligible to apply.

Create a Student Profile and/or Apply to an Educational Program:

In order to apply to an educational program, you (or the recruitment partner or counselor acting as your legal representative) are required to create a student profile on our Website. The personal data we collect in your student profile helps us match you with schools and programs that fit your preferences and qualifications. This information may also be required by the school for the purposes of processing your application. This information may include your first and last name, email address, gender, date of birth, home and mailing address, passport details, marital status, emergency contact information, English or French language test score(s), educational preferences (such as preferred study destination and educational fields of interest), education history, volunteer experience, and other educational information. In some circumstances, schools may also require us to collect your personal health information, as part of your application process.

Throughout the application process, you have the option to provide additional information such as documentation of awards and school projects. This information is not required to process your application but is recommended to enhance the success of your application.

We may use your profile information and other information about your use of the Website (such as search queries or other links you click on) to provide you with tailored school recommendations through the Website.

Use of Our Services for Visa Processing:

We offer students the option of processing their student visas through Acceptix. If you choose to use this service, we may collect personal data for the purposes of processing your visa application (if necessary), including passport details and information included on a visa application form.

Aiding in applying for student loans:

Acceptix offers users the option to procure student loans to assist with the financial requirements of studying abroad. If you choose to use this service, you may be asked to provide additional personal information for the purposes of applying for, securing, and processing your loan application. The additional personal information may include sensitive personal information and payment information, which will be shared with our financial partners. Impact assessments have been conducted on this service and we are committed to your personal information being handled with the highest level of security and privacy throughout the loan application process. Acceptix will only share necessary information with our partners to provide this service to you where we have your explicit consent to do so.

Aiding with job searches:

Acceptix offers users the option of assistance in finding employment in the target destination. If you choose to use this service, you may be asked to provide additional personal information for the purposes of providing your resume and details to potential employers. The additional personal information may include sensitive personal information, which will be shared with our employment partners. Impact assessments have been conducted on this service and we are committed to your personal information being handled with the highest level of security and privacy throughout the employment application process. Acceptix will only share necessary information with our partners to provide this service to you where we have your explicit consent to do so.

Using TrainHub:

You will have the ability to access our course content and provide voluntary personal information so we can register you as an individual taking the course. As a certificate of completion may be issued, we will keep a record of you having registered and/or completed the course offering.

Post On Our Website or Social Media Channels (including direct messages):

You have the ability to post information (e.g. questions, comments and opinions) through Acceptix’s services or on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram, as well as send us direct messages via these platforms. Please be advised that any personal data that you voluntarily post to any public forum will be available to other individuals and you should exercise caution when posting any personal data. Content you post on sites owned by third parties (such as social media platforms) is subject to the privacy policies of those third parties.

Your information is collected with the aim of operating the online support services and analyzing the use of those services. It may include your first and last name, phone number, email address, IP address, and other data communicated while using the support services. In addition, the support services may collect browsing and usage data in the pages where they are installed, even if you do not actively use them. Live chat conversations may also be logged for quality assurance and training purposes.

By using the support services on our Website, you explicitly consent to the collection and use of your information.

Communicate with Us:

When you contact us with a comment, question or complaint, you may be asked for information that identifies you (such as your name, address and a phone number) along with additional information we need to help us promptly answer your question or respond to your comment or complaint. We may also retain this information to assist you in the future and to improve our customer service, products, service offerings, events and promotions.

Provide Information to Third Parties With Whom We Work:

We may obtain personal data about you through your legal representative, or recruitment partners or educational partners who you are working with and who are using our services to process your application to schools. Occasionally, Acceptix will obtain information about you from third parties, such as mailing list providers and third-party service providers. Third-party providers are responsible for obtaining consent to provide personal data to us.

Our applications are designed to directly connect our users securely, transparently and cryptographically to the PCI certified payment processor. This helps ensure we maintain the privacy of your financial transactions. The payment processor provides Acceptix with a transaction number and status. This information is often required for visa applications as proof of program payment as well as a demonstration of student commitment to their selected program. Acceptix maintains a list of payment processors and other third party service providers that we may use to process payments to independent service providers and/or third party contractors that we retain in connection with delivery of the Services.

Participate in Our Surveys and Customer Research:

From time to time, we may offer you the opportunity to participate in one of our surveys or other customer research. The information obtained through our surveys and customer research is used in an aggregated, non-personally identifiable format. We use this information to help us understand our customers and to enhance our product and service offerings, promotions, and events.

Sign Up for Contests and Promotions:

When you participate in a contest or promotion, we may collect your name, address, phone number, email address, and other information you provide. We use this information to administer your participation in the contest or promotion. If non-identifiable data is used for research purposes, then the limitation of liability and indemnity clauses if any contained within the Terms and Conditions are waived with respect to any harms suffered or liabilities incurred as a result of any research activities.

Apply To Become an Acceptix Recruitment Partner:

In connection with applying to become a potential recruitment partner with Acceptix, you may provide us with certain personal data such as your first name, last name, address, email address, personal data about your education and employment background and banking data. We use this information for the purpose of processing and responding to your application to become an Acceptix Recruitment Partner and for paying you as needed using third party payment processors.

Apply To Become an Acceptix Educational Partners:

In connection with applying to become potential Educational Partners with Acceptix, you may provide us with certain personal data such as your first name, last name, address, email address, personal data about your education and employment background and banking data. We use this information for the purpose of processing and responding to your application to become an Acceptix educational partner and for paying you as needed using third party payment processors.



You should Know your Rights:

You have certain rights relating to your personal data, subject to local data protection laws. Depending on the applicable laws, these rights may include the right to:

●      Stay informed about the utilization, collection, and sharing of your personal data;

●      Access your personal data when needed;

●      Rectify any inaccuracies or errors in your personal data;

●      Request the deletion of your personal data ('right to be forgotten');

●      Restrict our processing of your personal data.

●      Receive and reuse your personal data.

●      Object to the processing of your personal data.

●      Avoid being subjected to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling;

●      Withdraw your consent.

●      Exercise your right to report or file a complaint.